Lucy (obviously), local market, part of the town where I had training, and the sunset on Xmas in Xai-xai

This morning I woke up to a heard of children on my porch, little Evan peeing on my stoop, my cats fighting, and my embregada trying to get in the front door. All before 7am. Wow! And before my instant coffee fix for the day. Oh, to be popular in a small town.
The last few days have been excruciatingly hot- 37 and 38 degrees. How I miss Alaska! We had a thunderstorm the other day which was pretty nice- I now have fresh rain water to drink. However, it was a bit difficult to teach when rain was pounding down on the tin roof of the school and the power flickering on and off. The power eventually went out so we all went home. We just got power back this morning actually. Just in time too, because I ran out of peanut butter.
I may not speak Portuguese the best, but people are starting to tell me how Mozambican I’ve become. Between the way I dress (my house is capolana heaven- they’re everywhere!), my hand-holding and high-fiving, my ralar-ing of coconuts and pilar-ing of peanuts, and the neighborhood playground being my porch/yard, I think I’ve officially integrated. It’s nice to feel like I’ve made a spot for myself here. Now if I could just get a bit more comfortable with the teaching thing.
Speaking of kids always being around, they can’t seem to stay out of my licho (trash) pit. I find them playing with everything I’ve thrown away, from paper to tin cans to q-tips to eggshells. I won’t lie, it’s a bit unsettling. But hey, they must have some pretty creative imaginations if they’re making toys out of eggshells and q-tips.
Lucy is still adorable, and still sleeping on me, trying to eat off my plate, and constantly underfoot. She’s developed a love to climb the mosquito netting on my windows, and if I’m wearing long pants or a long skirt (which is always) she’s likes to scale up my side and perch on my shoulder. Again, not too worried about it right now but once those claws get a bit bigger I might be in trouble.