Friday, April 30, 2010


After coming back from REDES, life was a bit of a rollercoaster. I went to teach class on Monday, first day of the nex trimester, and none of my sutdents were there. Not really none- out of 280 I believe I have about 15 or 20. So, didnºt get to teach my well planned out phrasal verbs lesson. Then, I was told I would no longer be teaching 12th grade but instead move down to 11th because we were getting a new teacher. I was confused about the switch for a while, but i continued to teach my classes Tuesday and Wednesday (thankfully) and Wednesday night I was reassigned to 12th grade, but now with only 4 turmas not my original 6. So Iºll be sad to lose two of my classes but my work load will be a bit easier to handle now. Well, I caught my classes back up to where they needed to be, and I headed out for the weekend. Iºm currently sitting on a mission, at Scooterºs site, waiting for her to get out of class. I got in yesterday afternoon and Iºve had a great time since. The mission not only has a school but an orphanage for young girls, so yesterday and today Iºve been runnning around and playing with all the young girls and talking tothe nuns when I find my Portuguese. Itºs such a welcoming and comfortable environment here- I feel completely at ease. Also, I met up with two of the girls from my group at REDES lst week, Sandra and Sandra. They were so excited to see me and it was wonderful to catch up a bit with them. Well, looks like Iºm off for now- should be a fun weekend- and I promise to get better at this blog writing.

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