Friday, March 9, 2012


Yesterday I went to visit my old site for the afternoon. It was amazing!!! I will admit, when I left back in November, I didn't have the best feelings about coming back to visit. Well, I was pleasantly surprised by what a great time I had. I got into town and went straight to the new house of my empregada, Cristina (the one with the two MOST ADORABLE kids on the planet). Eloite and Rafito were SOOOO excited to see me, they came running out of the bushes with their arms outstretched and lept onto me. For a few hours I talked with Cristina about how she's been doing, how Rafito has started school and LOVES doing homework, and trying to arrange a way for her to come visit me. And to eat with our tea, she bought me bread and bagias because she knows I love them so much :)

Next I went to visit my old house, where another teacher is now living, and all my old neighbor kids. They had about the same reaction- running towards me with outstretched arms. They followed me to the school where I was able to see so many of my old students, a few different teachers, and my director. So many of my students came up and gave me hugs- I'm assuming that means they have good memories of me rather than me yelling at them or giving them too much work ;)

I stopped by the store a used to visit on a daily basis to talk to Rafael- he was beside himself that I actually came back to say hi. Then I visited the parents of one of my REDES girls, to talk and eat and catch up on how they spent their holidays.

It was a wonderful trip- very rushed (I was only there about 4 hours) but for my first time back I think it was great. Next time I want to sit down with all my REDES girls and see how they're doing, help Cristina with her machamba, study with Rafito, and of course visit my adopted Moz family.

Also, a new record- in 4 hours I had tea 3 times, lunch twice, and got well over 100 hugs. Big morning!

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