Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Scooter and her Piri Piri

The other night, Scooter and I had a visitor, another PCV named Jonathon, so we decided to head to a bar and grab a beer and socialize a little. We all have a weakness for samussas (ESPECIALLY from this particular bar) so we were pretty excited when we saw they had them.

Scooter (to me in English): Oh look! They have samussas! we should get some.
Scooter (to the vendor in Portuguese): We'd like 3 beers. Do you have Piri Piri?
Two vendors look at each other but nobody says a word. You can see the wheels turning in the man's head- She wants hot sauce for her beers? Who is this crazy white lady? I'm not going to give it to her- that's just too weird.
He takes a few steps backwards, and continues to look at us, a look of disgust forming on his face, trying very hard not to answer our question.
At the same moment, Scooter and I realize she hadn't mentioned samussas to them, just to me, and we burst out laughing.
We clear up the confusion, asking for a plate full of samussas to accompany the piri piri, and both vendors let go of the breaths they'd been holding.
Female vendor: So you're not going to put piri piri in your beer? Ok, then yes, I think we have some.

We just keep seem to adding to the stereotype of "those crazy white people," trying to ruin our perfectly fine beers with hot sauce.

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