Monday, October 19, 2009

First Impressions

I can’t believe I’ve only been here 2 weeks! So much has happened and I feel like I’m actually getting the hang of a few things, so I feel like I’ve been here quite a while, but at the same time it feels like I just walked in my front door yesterday. So, I’ll begin with my first day with my host family.
When we got to our town, we were greeted by all of our new mothers and many of the village kids with singing and dancing. All the women in their copolana’s (dresses and head wraps) all so excited to have us there- it was so overwhelming some shed a few tears (yes, I was definitely one of them). My brother Pai and my sister Mae (translated to dad and mom in Portuguese) met me and took me home. The house is small, but has an inside toilet and bath!! Not that I can actually take a bath- I just set the bucket of water in the tub with me. Next, I played a few games with the kids on my street, their favorite being dodgeball, where I am the target. I redeemed myself when it was my turn- they didn’t expect I’d know how to throw, much let aim.
The first week of classes was pretty tough, trying to gain any bit of language I could. But little by little, it’s coming along. Everyone working with Peace Corps is amazing- they’re all excited for us to learn and we all want to learn so bad (I can honestly say I’ve never been more interested and eager to spend 8 hours in classes and then study after as well).
So, interesting moments in the first two weeks- my backyard is Swaziland, so no jumping over any fences. I have a spider that lives in my room with me- big step for me considering I’m a huge arachnophobe. It takes 3 hours to make cookies here- but they’re delicious and in 3 hours we can make enough to feed an army. I’m not allowed to bathe until at least 30 minutes after eating- this rule confuses me slightly. It’s not like I’m going swimming in there- all I have is a bucket... Oh, and I HAVE to bathe twice a day (I’m just glad it’s not 3). My French has gotten much better because in an attempt not to speak English, that’s what comes out. Neighbor kids are great for learning random vocabulary and labeling things- they love it. Sunsets are beautiful here but the sun drops so fast I had best be at home while watching it or I won’t be able to find my way back. I miss being able to sit down to pee- only broken toilets and holes in the ground here. Goats typically run through the school during lunchtime. Mozambicans are fanatical on the second breakfast and second lunch (amazing! I love snacks). Brazilian soap operas are always on TV- day and night. Chicken feet and fish heads (not together) are fun dishes to eat- and by fun I mean my family gets a kick out of watching me try and eat them (thank goodness my host mom likes them so I don’t have to feel bad about passing on seconds). Everyone in my town in related, and they all love to gossip (the host family who fattens their Peace Corps Trainee up the most get bragging rights for the year). And the baby goat that gets tied up down the street from my house is the cutest flee-ridden animal I have ever seen!!
I really like it here- many things are tough, like trying to live with a family who I cannot communicate with, but baby steps will eventually get me somewhere. The people are incredibly friendly here, like today I had my first real conversation, with someone not paid to talk to me, on my way to class. I don’t have much of a vocabulary yet so it was a conversation based on the weather and what I’m doing in Moz but regardless, it made me feel great. And these people make me feel very comfortable. The Americans are also pretty awesome- I love everyone in my group (69 of us total).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! glad your able to improve your french even in a nonfrancophone country -haha
