Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Market day

Every Wednesday and Saturday Namaacha holds a giant open-air market called “shop rite”.  This is where Scooter and I are accustomed to getting our veggies, but it also holds everything from leather jackets to plastic bathing tubs to capulanas to old running shoes, and believe me, everything in between.  I took mom around to see a few things, take a few pictures, and get her a bit more acclimated to my life here.  I’m not too used to walking around most of the market, just because there aren’t many things I need nor do I particularly like to be hassled, but with mom it was fun to point out all the different things for sale, explain those she was unfamiliar with, and talk with people.  Also, I swear I found more than one clothing item I donated to Good Will back in the day… I think this is where a lot of it ends up…

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