Monday, December 31, 2012


The last 2 weeks has been a whirlwind- at times I feel like I just got here to India and other moments I feel like I’ve been here for years.  I’m loving every moment of my time here, no question.  So many things remind me of Mozambique- cows and goats in the middle of the street, trash everywhere, weird smells, stray dogs and cats in all directions, cockroaches roaming the house, no hot water (at least there’s running water!), beautiful women in vibrantly colored cloths, men staring and making kissing sounds at me... the list goes on and on.  I became comfortable with the views, people, smells, and atmosphere of Bombay very quickly.  Yet the pace of life, the constant movement, the availability of amazing street food, the plethora and variety of food options, and the constant noise are all still difficult for me.  I’m used to going to bed when the sun goes down, or shortly there after, and waking up with the sun.  Wow is Bombay different! People don’t go into work until 10 or 11am.  People don’t go out to dinner until 9 or 10pm.  And people don’t come home from hanging out until 2, 3, 4 or 5am.  I was not ready for this!!!  Regardless, I’m having an amazing time and seeing/experiencing so much.  I’m so thankful I have over 2 months here.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a great time! We'll hopefully be in Bangalore for a few days in late February :)
