Wednesday, January 9, 2013


So I spent a total of 2.5 weeks in Bombay, which was such a wonderful time! I was able to adjust to the constant movement, the overwhelming noises and smells, try all sorts of delicious food, and make lots of new friends.  Not only the other expats I've met but all the Indians have been extremely welcoming and generous. We spent New Years at a friend San's place, overlooking the water. It wasn't really what you would picture when you think "beach view"- instead there were people out at sunset making their nightly "movements", pigs roaming for trash, roosters harassing said pigs, and  men shooting off bottle rockets.  But the sunset was beautiful and at midnight we got to watch fireworks from both directions.  Bombay was fantastic- it definitely grew on me over the weeks.  Next adventure- down south. I'm looking forward to the food, calm, and nature.

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